Bobcat References
Regardless of what age or grade a Cub Scout is in, the Bobcat rank must be earned before earning any other rank, except Lion. Lion Scouts earn the Lion rank first. When they complete kindergarten, they may begin work on the Bobcat badge. The Bobcat requirements focus on the fundamentals of Cub Scouting that every Cub Scout must know.
You as the den leader (or parent/guardian) can help! Practice the requirements in your den meetings, at home and encourage Cub Scouts to work on the requirements with their families also. Requirement 7 is a home-based requirement. The requirements are found in each of the youth handbooks as well as listed below:
Bobcat Requirements:
1. Learn and say the Scout Oath, with help if needed.
2. Learn and say the Scout Law, with help if needed.
3. Show the Cub Scout sign. Tell what it means.
4. Show the Cub Scout handshake. Tell what it means.
5. Say the Cub Scout motto. Tell what it means.
6. Show the Cub Scout salute. Tell what it means.
7. With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How
to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.
Requirement 1: Scout Oath
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey
the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
The meaning of the Scout Oath:
Saying “On my honor” is like saying “I promise.”
This means that you will do your best to do what the Scout Oath says.
The Scout Oath has three promises. Let’s look at what they mean:
TO DO MY DUTY…A duty is something you are expected to do. At home, you
might be expected to make up your bed or take out the trash. You also have
duties to God and to your country.
TO GOD…You do your duty to God by following the teaching of your family and
religious leaders, if any.
AND MY COUNTRY…You do your duty to your country by being a good citizen and
obeying the law.
AND TO OBEY THE SCOUT LAW; …You also promise to live by the 12 points of the
Scout Law, which are described below.
TO HELP OTHER PEOPLE AT ALL TIMES; …Many people need help. A friendly smile
and a helping hand make life easier for others. By helping other people, you are
doing a Good Turn and making our world a better place.
TO KEEP MYSELF PHYSICALLY STRONG, …This part of the Scout Oath is about
taking care of yourself. You stay physically strong when you eat the right foods
and get plenty of exercise.
MENTALLY AWAKE, … You stay mentally awake when you work hard in school,
learn all you can, and ask questions.
AND MORALLY STRAIGHT. You stay morally straight when you do the right thing
and live your life with honesty.
Requirement 2: Scout Law
A Scout is ......trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful,
thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
The meaning of the Scout Law:
TRUSTWORTHY – Tell the truth and keep your promises. People can depend on
LOYAL – Be true to your family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and country.
HELPFUL – Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward.
FRIENDLY – Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you.
COURTEOUS – Be polite to everyone and always use good manners.
KIND – Never harm or kill any living thing without good reason.
OBEDIENT – Follow the rules of your family, school, and pack. Obey the laws of
your community and country.
CHEERFUL – Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy.
THRIFTY – Work to pay your own way. Don’t be wasteful. Use time, property, and
natural resources wisely.
BRAVE – Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid. Do what is right
despite what others might be doing or saying.
CLEAN – Keep your body and mind fit. Help keep your home and community
REVERENT – Be reverent toward God. Be faithful in your religious duties. Respect
the beliefs of others.
Requirement 3: Cub Scout Sign
Make the sign with your right hand. Hold your arm straight up. The two raised
fingers (like the Peace sign) stand for the Scout Oath and the Scout Law.
Requirement 4: Cub Scout handshake
When you shake hands with another Cub Scout, do this:
Hold out your right hand just as you always do to shake hands. But then put your
first two fingers (like the Peace sign) along the inside of the other Scout’s wrist.
This means that you help each other to remember and obey the Scout Oath and
the Scout Law.
Requirement 5: Cub Scout motto
The Cub Scout motto is DO YOUR BEST.
A motto is a guiding principle and a rule for living. Do Your Best means trying your
hardest, not just a little bit. Do your best all the time!
Requirement 6: Cub Scout salute
Salute with your right hand. Hold your first two fingers close together. Touch your
fingertips to your cap. If you aren’t wearing a cap, touch your right eyebrow.
The salute is used to salute the American flag during the Pledge of Allegiance.
Always use the salute when in uniform. If you are not in uniform, salute the flag
by placing your right hand over your heart. Scout salute Salute with your right hand. Hold your first two fingers close together. Touch your fingertips to your cap. If you aren’t wearing a cap, touch your right eyebrow. The salute is used to salute the American flag during the Pledge of Allegiance. Always use the salute when in uniform. If you are not in uniform, salute the flag by placing your right hand over your heart.