Lion Den Leader

The Lion Den Leader's responsibilities are to:

  • Give leadership in carrying out the pack program in the den.

  • Lead the den in its participation at pack meetings.

  • Serve as den host or hostess for family members at the pack meetings.

  • Work in harmony with other den and pack leaders.

  • Coordinate shared leadership among the Lion adult partners in the den.

  • Ensure that each Lion and their adult partner have the opportunity to be the host team, planning and executing the den activities, rotating responsibilities monthly.

  • Make pack and den resources available to the host team, ensuring the completion of the den component of the Lion advancement requirements.

  • Use Boys' Life and Scouting magazines, Cub Scout Program Helps, the Lion Handbook, and other Cub Scouting literature as sources for program ideas.

  • Maintain a friendly relationship with the Lion and their adult partners.

  • Encourage Lions to earn advancement awards. Keep accurate advancement records and see that the boys receive recognition for their achievements.

  • Stimulate the Lions' imaginations on the program theme for the month, and work with the adult partners to prepare boys for participation in pack meetings.

  • Take part in the annual pack program planning conference and pack leaders' meetings.