What are meetings like?

At the heart of Scouting are hands-on, interactive activities. In Cub Scouts, there are opportunities to spend time as a family and to do things that help build upon the Scout Oath and Scout Law.

In den meetings and pack meetings, Cub Scouts make new friends, play purposeful games, and learn new things. Dens usually meet two times a month. All the dens in the pack come together once a month for a pack meeting.

Cub Scout families have opportunities to go camping and to participate in outdoor adventures. Lessons learned in the out-of- doors help to develop a life-long respect for the environment.

Packs can put together special events and activities such as banquets, races, and community service projects.

Several packs may be invited to attend other special events such as a large community service project or Scout Show. These events are coordinated by a local council or district.